What I've learned from starting my own platform
I've decided to share EVERYTHING about the "becoming a media house in 100 days" journey. All the stats and everything! Yay 🙌

In February 2024 I got kicked out of LinkedIn. Without boring you too much with the story, you can read about it here if you're interested.
I realised I
a) didn't own the spreading & visibility of my own produced content
b) didn't actually own my own following
LinkedIn did.
So I came... here.
I'd love to share with you how I ended up here, and give you my learnings from this journey.
I'll share my thoughts about where to post, what to post, when to post - and some unsorted thought nuggets as ushhhhhh! 😉
Also: by the end of it all, I'll sum up the journey in numbers!!!! How many followed? How many unsubscribed? What was the most liked post? Go figure!