5 min read

What I've learned from starting my own platform

I've decided to share EVERYTHING about the "becoming a media house in 100 days" journey. All the stats and everything! Yay 🙌
What I've learned from starting my own platform

In February 2024 I got kicked out of LinkedIn. Without boring you too much with the story, you can read about it here if you're interested.

I realised I

a) didn't own the spreading & visibility of my own produced content
b) didn't actually own my own following

LinkedIn did.

So I came... here.

I'd love to share with you how I ended up here, and give you my learnings from this journey.

I'll share my thoughts about where to post, what to post, when to post - and some unsorted thought nuggets as ushhhhhh! 😉

Also: by the end of it all, I'll sum up the journey in numbers!!!! How many followed? How many unsubscribed? What was the most liked post? Go figure!

This post is for subscribers only