Amalia's thoughts on week 27
Week 27 has come to its end, and it's also the second to last newsletter before vacation mode kicks in at Amalia's thoughts. Let's go!

Hii friends 👋
Last full week before vacation for me. Time for reflection and trying to understand this past half year - what went good and what didn't, and what I need to focus on further. So I'm inviting you to a lil bit of introspective time in this newsletter, and what tools/questions I use.
Next week I will share some of my introspectives with you! 😇
I'm going on vacay in the middle of the week next week, which I've heard is "a life hack". HOPE it is because I need to wind down fast!
It was totally right on time that I also had a beer&breakfast with a bunch of girls this Tuesday as well, talking a lot about imposter syndrome, what to do with your life, etc. Love that this concept became something.
Let's go through this week!