6 min read

Amalia's thoughts on week 33

Everybody's back and it has made me think maybe more long thoughts than ever? Happy reading!!
Amalia's thoughts on week 33

*sips* ☕ - Hi y'aaall!

Stockholm is finally coming alive! Monday I passed a new-office company street RnB dancefloor (!), and lunch restaurants are hard to book a day in advance again.

And almost all my favorite tech podcasts are back in biz again! Btw, I've posted them all here for you.

But I look forward to the have hoa hoa hoa season (Twilight, for you that didn't catch the reference). I celebrated my 2nd workaversary this week (🎉!!!!!) with apple pie at the office, and the smell of cinnamon just made me long for cozy sweathers again.

On the same topic- cozy fall - I have the opportunity to bring a +1 to my dear friend Eleonoras book launch of "Study with me: how you build mathematical self confidence". Slide into my LinkedIn-DMs if you wanna go with me! 👋

I've been busy scrolling (less) & thinking (more) - here's this weeks' catches 🎣

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