Amalia's thoughts on week 45

Hi dear friends! 👋
When some of you read this I'm on a train inbetween Porto and Lissabon. I'm away on a few days of vacation and... well. I needed it. Refocus, reposition, repurpose.
November is definitely one of my most hectic months both at work-work and non-profit work, so... to eat a pastel de nata a day keeps the mental health doctor away, I guess?

This is also the perfect timing to once again use my vacation-mode of this newsletter. If you think something about it, I'd love if you have it a thumbs down or up by the end of it all. Or message me, I'd love to chat.
You’re plenty that’s new here since last newsletter (WELCOME!!) and I look forward to send next week’s ”normal” one to you with techy news & DEI insights. Hope you can live with reading a few of my scribbled down thoughts for now.
Let's dig into what's kept me up at night lately. We'll be back with weekly thoughts next week ❤️