7 min read

Amalia's thoughts on week 46

We're back with a "normal" newsletter and I so much look forward to share this week's thoughts with you!
Amalia's thoughts on week 46

Hiiii good morning! ☕

We're back with a normal newsletter! I have been looking so much forward to send this to you.

My spider senses has been absolutely BUZZIN lately and I have had so much urge to share it with you. You'll definitely have to buckle up and stow away all your loose belongings because it's going to be a ride with many quick turns.

Think I timed my vacation last week perfectly because I kind of forgot about the American election, but I’ve saved a well-needed link at the end of this newsletter for all of us that have to speak with people that can’t understand wHy wE hAvE tO cArE aBoUt tHe aMerIcaN elEcTIoN.

Also: that I launched a newsletter while being out on the streets of Porto? It says so much about me as a person that I don't even know where to begin.

Anyways! As ush, happy you're here - let's get to it! 🔥

Pssst 1. If you like this newsletter you can support it (I'd rather call it "buy me one or plenty fikas") here.

Pssst 2. I'm also sharing my writing tips & tricks (mostly for LinkedIn) in a paid newsletter called I'm happy to announce which you can sign up to here.

This post is for subscribers only