Amalia's thoughts on week 48

Hiiii goodmorning! ☕
How does your mail inbox feel today? Hmm? I'm happy that I'm not sending out this email on a Friday, haha. I didn't buy a single thing yesterday and that makes me feel rebellious in some kind of way. As soon as I've hit send on this, I'm gonna delete all my emails heheeee.
Despite being a very tech news heavy week, you'll have to excuse the lack of "breaking news" in todays newsletter. Since I hosted not only one but two events this week at work, I've also tried to be kind to myself and spend my free time as far away from tech as possible. So if you're looking for thoughts about the AI commission, come again next week 😉
Anyways, despite having tried to shut my brain down - I've thought about some things I wanna share with you.
Hope you're ready with your hot beverage of choice, let's go 🔥