Amalia's thoughts week 8

Good morning friends ✨
This newsletter comes fashionably late because I was fashionably late home tonight (today?).
Also, can you drain out your social battery from yourself? Meaning: I literally don’t wanna hear my own thoughts right now. I’m so tired of hearing the words ”tech” ”entrepreneurship” ”accelerating” ”innovation”…. Bla bla bla bla. Buuuut, since this newsletter is called Amalia's thoughts... we're all here for them anyways right.
For those of you that missed it - I’ve been at the TechArena Thursday and Friday and mingling my brain out. And voice. And literally everything else, too. It’s just a shell of my person left lol.
However, something that gave me tremendous amounts of joy was all the people I got to meet. I know this will seem corny and all but I get SO moved by people wanting to say hi to me? 😭 In a world where we get more and more individualistic, wars are going on - a sense of connection and compassion towards one another is worth more than anything. I'm literally bawling my eyes out at home right now because nothing means more to me than meeting people. When they take off their corporate pants and show a bit of skin - themselves. To me. The best gift one can get? ❤️
Anyways. Today I’ll mostly just talk about everything else than the TechArena because I’ve literally spent every awake hour prepping my appearance the past couple of weeks. However, this meaning, I haven’t consumed so much else within tech this week.
So see this as some kind of vacation edition of this newsletter? Haha. (The day I call the TechArena vacation though you have to check me into a mental hospital.)
Here’s what stuck with me throughout the week 👇