An Almedarling's list

I LOVE lists! A more fun way to share insights than anything else, and maybe the best way to get a grip of the highs and lows of Almedalen?
This is one of the open articles I provide, to lower the bar & include more into what Almedalen is all about. Want to read more of my tech & leadership thoughts?
Let's dig into it!
Funniest Mingle: Diplomat
Absolutely. Did not see myself in the middle of a EPA-dunk debate while sipping an Aperol spritz. Vitality? Existed.
Worst launch of the week: Me and the word "Pöp"
Tried desparately to launch this to Henrik Torehammar, podcaster and political journalist. Just as we have "möps", mililitary over interested people, I think we also need the word politicially over interested people. He did not bite.
Most obsessed with customer problems: The team behind Viss.AI
Had a fun 30 mins with them in the Google tent the day after the Tech arena party and was grilled through and through. Loved it!
Role model 1: Anna Pettersson Westberg, general director at Pensionsmyndigheten
Found myself randomly chatting with her while asking for a coffee in their rolling coffee stand. Love when persons with that kind of influence take to the streets to meet the people they work for.
Role model 2: Lena Ag, general director at Jämställdhetsmyndigheten
Twice this week I found myself really impressed by the presence by a general director. Lena Ag was a guest in the podcast Fannys Förebilder and I recommend that episode to anyone. She's so cool, and in the future her book will be one I page turn QUICK.

Best panel: Charly Equity's
I mean. To listen to Ida Östensson, Ulrika Grandin, Emma Knaggård Wendt, Camilla Wagner, Sofia Lindelöw, Linda Ljunggren Syding and Charlotte Ljung talk about economics, feminism, equality, parenthood.... GASH I had goosebumps through and through.
Dream team: The Scania DEI team
Almedalen is for everyone, but not accessible for everyone. It's not cheap. It's not easy to find your way there and know how to approach the week. Hence I love when people that does not hold the title CEO, Head of, President or Founder shows up. Because the debates and discussion held in Almedalen needs to be for a larger group of people. Hence so amazed by Erica Theorén, Sofia Lindståhl, Triantafyllia Karypidou and Christina Crafoord that showed up to put Scania on the map for real! Go you!
Fighters of the week: The girls playing music for pant
In 28+ degree heat. Day in, day out. Go you <3
Most lavish: The Ångestpodden podcast
The collaboration between Tim Bergling Foundation, Sveriges Elevkårer, Sveriges Elevråd, that became the live podcast with Ångestpodden was definitely the most lavishly. I've never seen so much snacks in one place. It was also the most crowded session I've seen (a part from when Kristersson attended the Tech Arena). Kudos to everyone involved!!
Startup of the year: Rebaba
SO WELL DESERVED!!!! They won the Techarena Challenge as Startup of the year and I can't imagine a more worthy winner. The pitch was 🔥
Most "in": Mingles & separate dinners
EVERYBODY had a mingle or a separate dinner? Not even companies I saw having some type of "content" in the Almedalen-guide suddenly popped up in the feed afterwards having "one of the best mingles ever" or an exclusive dinner. Hmmmmmmmmmm not really for that trend. Private dinners you can have in Sthlm instead.
Most "out": Having young people in panels about young people
Yeah, the Fler Unga* person in me is clenching her fist in her pocket.
* An organisation that goes to Almedalen each year, together with a bunch of young people far from politics, with the aim that "where young people are discussed, they should also be represented"
Worst clothing: blue shirt
28+ degrees and sun. May I say more? We swet together, we make change together 🤷♀️
Peak of the week: Wednesday at 11
According to the data collection by Intellecta.
Best mingle concept: Prime
Daily mingles? GENIOUS!! If you didn't know where to go, there was always Prime. Bonus for the fantastic location in the ruin.
Best moderators: Clara Humla & Linda Nyberg
I'm impressed by Linda. She was everywhere - almost thought she could handle moderating two stages at once at Techarenan. Clara moderated a really good techy panel on the topic of driving the green shift, LOVED it.
Lame applause: Stordalen's mingle
Stordalen went out on stage at his mingle, filled to the brim with leaders, and initially talked about the warzones currently forcing people to flee from their homes. I at least had goosebumps, but people around me seemed too busy mingling. Zzzzz.
This year's welcome: AI Sweden
.... And HOW they did it!!! Bunch of interesting seminars, Canada's ambassador, and a top notch mingle. We want you back next year!
Almedarlings: Girls in STEM & Fler Unga
Was such a pleasure to befriend Annie Carlsson & Sara Simonsson from Girls in STEM. So many thoughtful insights, both on Almedalen per se but also the STEM-field.
And it makes me so happy to see Fler Unga once more in Almedalen. They mingled HARD.
Super mingler: Muataz Lafta
He's here, he's there, he's everywhere! To be an Almedalen rookie and get into so many different settings & with so many different people? INSPIRING.
Best lunch: a walk-n-waffle from TCO
TCO always delivers the best waffles and this year was no exception. A life hack was to take them to go. I've learnt something new this year too!

Heat of the week: Per Långsved & Niklas Wykman
It became almost a rigid political debate at the panel about "Security, tech & finance - this is how we protect todays digital consumers" between the two of them. The panel was Friday morning, after the Tech Mingle. All you that slept in - you missed something!!
Relief of the week: No clash between the Tech Mingle and Stordalen
Last year we all had FOMO. This year we could all go safe and sound to both of them (Stordalen had Wednesday, Tech Mingle was Thursday). Piuuuuuuuh!
Move of the week: Expressen
I almost had a heart attack, seeing Expressen having moved their stage from the usual place at Hamngatan to the new one at Donnersgatan. Seemed however like a much better location in terms of visibility & crowdedness.
Takeover of the week: Rehappen
Having daily leadership seminars, just outside their boat in the middle of the street? Genious.
Like lists? Read also my list from Techarenan 2024.
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