Job tips in tech

Nota bene: the companies on this list have not paid for their spot in any way. I do this for the students I talk to on a daily that find it hard to navigate the job market.
These tips come from what I scroll past in my feed (that sometimes are just posts & not actual job ads). I can not vouch for the company or the role.
When it's tips that people send to me, I also give a shout out to the person.
These tips come from what I scroll past in my feed (that sometimes are just posts & not actual job ads). I can not vouch for the company or the role.
When it's tips that people send to me, I also give a shout out to the person.
PS. A lil tip how I'd use this list: even if the companies ain't be looking for your role specifically, I'd still reach out to show my interest. Who knows what that can lead to in the end?
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