Meet: Fatima Essaidi 🚀

I don't know who followed who from the start, and not that it matters, but in the end - I know that having a Fatima in my LinkedIn feed & life has made it profoundly better. For me, she encapsulates determination, and a "if you don't try, you'll never know" attitude who I can relate to in so many ways. Our generations Pippi, maybe?
Fatima is an educator within STEM & inclusion, engineering student, a part of the TikTok's nordic #TechElevateHER, finalist in the Grand Prize for Engineering by Ingenjörsdagen in the inclusion category 2023, finalist in the Microsoft Tech Girl of the Year 2023, ...
I think she's SO COOL!! I highly recommend you to follow her on LinkedIn as well as listening to her podcast "20 råd innan 20" [20 advice before 20]!
I wanted to get to know her better, and hope you want to do it too! Read more about her story below 😄
Give some insight into Fatima! Who are you, what are you doing now, and where are you going? 🚀
My name is Fatima and I am a 22 year old student pursuing a Master's in Industrial Engineering and Management. I'm passionate about exploring opportunities and driving change. During my free time, I run a podcast called ”20 råd innan 20”, where life advice and experiences are shared for the younger generation. In addition to this, I occasionally give lectures on the topics Generation Z and What happens after ”studenten”?
My passion for strategic questions is leading me towards a future career in the field, but I'm still exploring what type of strategy work that attracts me the most. To broaden my horizons and deepen my understanding, I'm also planning to attend a board training course this year. I believe in the importance of diversifying boardrooms and working towards a more inclusive future.
You mentioned when we met that you don't feel like part of the tech industry. Why not?
I have never actively chosen to enter the tech industry. I rather believe that the tech industry has chosen me 🙃. Let me give you some examples: I chose my education based on how wide it is - it just happened to be an engineering program! The startup-program Techship, which I attended in 2022, happened to be tech-focused - my main interest were more in leadership and entrepreneurship. Last year, I felt like starting a creative project, which happened to be technical when I chose the podcast format. I love writing and happen to utilize digital platforms to express myself.
Tech is everywhere and statistics show that 90% of all jobs in the future will be tech-related. I hope that explains it all!
What drives you? 🚗
I have many drivers in my life! And I strongly believe that everyone should have more than one motivation factor in their life. Seeing growth in myself and others is a big motivation. I want my work to help people and make society better. Learning new things is also a big drive for me—I love exploring the most random topics. Plus, making my parents proud and proving myself keeps me going.
How do you keep your life together, with studying, lecturing, and the podcast?
It's a good question, one I ask myself sometimes too 😄
And honestly, sometimes I don't manage to balance it all. When one part of your life gets intense, it's okay to scale back on the others. Try to do a ”audit” of yourself every now and then. What are your priority areas? Which projects should be paused or delegated to others?
One of my recent insights is that saying "I'm stressed because there's so much going on at once" is often false. We use that phrase because we don't have the energy or courage to explore more specifically what's stressing us out. Try to be as concrete and specific as possible about what stresses you. Suddenly, you might realize it's a small thing that you can prioritize and tackle FIRST on your to-do list.
If you could have one "request" to companies and business leaders, any one, what would it be? 🤔
If I could convey one message to leaders at companies, it would be this: prioritize being present and actively listening to your employees. Demonstrating genuine care and attention fosters a sense of understanding and solidarity, especially during stressful times like the present. When employees feel heard and valued, they're more likely to navigate challenges with resilience and dedication.
Who would you like me to meet next?
Aliya Sabir. A fantastic woman who has introduced the tech industry to many youths through her startup program Techship.
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